The others before us were interested in the problem of the unemployment and not whoever to part that. It is about Albert Einstein, one of the biggest man of science of modern times. The fact which it worked on the infinitely big and on the infinitesimal did not prevent him(it) from having both feet on the earth(ground). Fifty years ago, it(he) already suspected the problems which would cause the unemployment. Certain economists will say maybe that it(he) was better to juggle with atoms or with movement of planets, but I am carried(worn) to believe that he was right to say that a crisis is provoked by the following process.

The competition sees to it that a company, to lower its production costs looks entr' other to decrease its needs in manpower. As a result inevitably in the current state of the methods of work, a fraction only of the manpower can find to be used and whereas this part(party) is senselessly overworked and them stays is automatically eliminated from the process of production. There, the drainage of the goods and the profits decrease. Companies fail financially. There is a new escalation of the unemployment, a decrease of the confidence in companies and, consequently also the competition brought by the public to banks serving as intermediaries; finally, a stoppage of payment of banks provoked by sudden retreat of the deposits(warehouses) and there, a complete congestion of the economy.

Obviously, it(he) made(did) reference to the total production of consumer goods necessary for the existence. It seems to me that, as many other hypotheses which it(he) had advanced(moved) in the field of the science and what the current scholars are verifying or experimenting, we are too to experiment how made the social crisis which we live. I am not qualified to know if the Asian or Brazilian crisis is the realization of Einstein's " prediction ", but I am sùr that there is among you which(who) are him(it) (especially as regards banks). If you come to confirm the prediction, I suppose that, you will also share the solution because fortunately, he suggested us a means transforming this negative situation into the other one positive ". It is that given that the progress of the technique requires(demands) from the individual, to satisfy the needs of the community, fewer and fewer work, a methodical distribution of the work becomes more and more an authoritarian necessity and this distribution will lead(drive) to a material safety(security) of the individuals. But this safety(security), in time free and the force which(who) will remain available for the individual can be favorable to the development of the personality.


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